Apple spaceship
Apple spaceship

apple spaceship

The middle park will replicate the original California landscape and "recapture the orchards of the past".

apple spaceship

Apple Campus 2 "morphed into a circular building" so that it could enclose a private space in the middle that would double as a park, according to Foster. The main building will cater to 12,000 employees, and there's a wellness centre or fitness centre that will respond to "the needs of the entire Apple community in Silicon Valley, which is 20,000-something," Foster added.Ħ.

apple spaceship

Apart from the main spaceship building, Apple will construct a corporate fitness centre, auditorium, central plant, and several offices. Peter Arbour, an architect for Seele, the company that makes those staircases, told Bloomberg: "It is something like six kilometres of glass".ĥ. It will also feature the same glass staircases found in Apple stores around the globe. The spaceship is a four-story circular structure with giant walls of glass, which will enable employees to look out from both sides of the ring within the donut-shaped building. In fact, Foster's company finished demolishing HP's numerous buildings on site in February, and, he explained, Apple's campus will only cover 13 per cent of that site.Ĥ. Foster compared Apple's campus to a "typical university" with at least 16 or 17 buildings, though Apple's buildings will occupy the site "much more tightly". Additionally, along with delays, according to Wired, the budget has grown from less than $3 billion in 2011 to almost $5 billion in 2013.ģ. Construction (intended to be completed in mid-2015) will now most likely be completed in mid-2016. Foster revealed that Apple's new campus was originally planned for a smaller site, but then, when HP's campus became available, the "scale" of Apple's project changed. In order to house so many employees, Apple's spaceship and new campus will take up a 2.8 million-square-foot area or a 176-acre area located on Hewlett Packard's former campus.Ģ. It is nicknamed "spaceship" because it'll have a spaceship-like or donut-like design and house over 12,000 employees. Apple's spaceship headquarters is also known as Apple Campus or Apple Campus 2. Now you can successfully keep abreast with the construction project and simultaneously learn some interesting facts about Apple's upcoming epic headquarters.ġ. One will see how they seek to stay at the cutting edge of technology and how they plan to go carbon neutral across their entire business by 2030.Pocket-lint has combed over the brief interview and paired it with some other little-known tidbits about Apple's office of the future, which is currently in development, and we've laid every thing out below alongside some mind-blowing renders that the City of Cupertino released last autumn. The intention here is to showcase the innovative design principles of Apple Park. The Visitor Center is an architectural extension of the private campus where visitors can learn, explore, shop, and more. So while one can't just stroll around and have a poke around Apple's headquarters, at least they have created a special place just for visitors. This visitor center is the only part of Apple Park that tourists are permitted to visit. Parts Of The Visitor Center: An Apple Store, Exhibition Space, A Large Cafe, A Roof Terrace.The exhibition space showcases a 3D model of Apple Park with augmented reality. The Apple Store offers Apple-branded merchandise not available at normal Apple stores (like T-shirts, hats, tote bags, postcards). The Apple Park Visitor Center comes with four main areas, an Apple Store, an exhibition space, a roof terrace, and a large cafe.

Apple spaceship